Taming Your Inner Critic

Taming Your Inner Critic

If your inner critic says things like these, then this blog is for you.

“You are so stupid! Why did you say that?

“They will never give YOU the promotion”

“You’re a terrible mother. You can’t even manage to get them to school on time.”

“You are so fat! And now you’re eating that?”

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Taming Worry and “What Ifs”

Taming Worry and “What Ifs”

Often anxiety comes not from what IS happening, but what we think MIGHT happen. It is so easy for our imagination to run away, thinking of all the things that could (but probably won’t) go wrong.That is why being purposeful in our thinking can have such a dramatic effect, reducing our anxiety in a matter of minutes. If you have a case of the “what ifs” the exercise in this article will help you tame it quickly.

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